Tompkins Community Bank Blog

Tompkins Community Bank and the Legacy Foundation Recognize Local Volunteers

Written by Tompkins Community Bank | Jun 11, 2024 6:35:18 PM

Tompkins Community Bank (Tompkins) recently honored nine individuals and groups with the James J. Byrnes Awards for Excellence, in recognition of their outstanding service to the community. The awardees each selected a not-for-profit organization to donate to; as a result, the Legacy Foundation of Tompkins County, which oversees the bank’s endowment fund, donated nearly $12,000 to local charities.

The endowment is administered by the Legacy Foundation, a local not-for-profit trust.  The vision of the Legacy Foundation, which began in 1945, is a commitment to “improving the quality of life in Tompkins County for those who come after us." Since 1986, the Awards for Excellence program has recognized more than 290 individuals and groups, contributing more than $397,000 to the Tompkins County community.

The 2024 James J. Byrnes Awards for Excellence honorees are:

  • Darrell Harrington, for his work to found and run Be Kind Ithaca.
  • Linda Glabach, for her immense humanitarian contributions.
  • Carmen Guidi, for his aid with housing and food insecurities.
  • William Maxwell, for his innate humanitarianism and dedication to our region.
  • Jean Owens and the Enfield Food Pantry, for striving to build a future where hunger is eradicated in Tompkins County.
  • Encore Players Community Theater, for providing a low-cost creative outlet.
  • The Love Living at Home volunteers, for their dedication to assisting older adults.
  • The Sophie Fund, for their efforts in supporting mental health and suicide prevention.
  • The Volunteers of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ithaca and Tompkins County, for their work to ignite the power and promise of youth.

Congratulations to all of the incredible volunteers!