March 2021 Community Hero of the Month Awards


Tompkins Emergency Operations Center Wins Community Hero of the Month Awards

We are pleased to announce the first recipients of the Community Hero of the Month Awards, which recognize individuals from Tompkins County who have significantly impacted our community. The Community Hero of the Month Awards is a partnership with the Tompkins Chamber and Tompkins Trust Company. 

The first recipients of the Community Hero of the Month Awards are:

  • Tompkins County Administrator Jason Molino, for providing the County government with the appropriate resources and steady leadership, to ensure the public remains safe and has access to the services needed to stay healthy.
  • Deputy County Administrator Amie Hendrix, for providing oversight of all aspects of the pandemic response and recovery in Tompkins County over the last year as Emergency Operations Incident Commander
  • Tompkins County Public Health Director & Mental Health Commissioner Frank Kruppa, for serving as the County’s operations lead ensuring all aspects of the COVID emergency are addressed and remaining a consistent, credible source for information as to how the community can most effectively respond to the pandemic.
  • Tompkins County Communications Director Dominick Recckio, for keeping the Tompkins County community informed and overseeing the County’s overall communications and messaging efforts, especially throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

During this critical and unprecedented time, these individuals have been on the frontlines, educating and informing the community about critical safety measures, seeking a strong economic recovery, allocating appropriate funding and resources, and maintaining public health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, their constant presence and leadership has been an inspiration to essential workers who are providing a lifeline to the Tompkins County community.

The winners will receive a Community Hero of the Month plaque and a few additional surprises from Tompkins Trust Company.

Learn more about the winners in the article "Tompkins Emergency Operations Center Wins Community Hero of the Month Awards" by the Ithaca Voice.

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